Johannes Korbmacher

Assistant professor in theoretical philosophy

Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Janskerkhof 13
3512 BL Utrecht

I’m a mathematical philosopher working at the intersection of logic, metaphysics, and epistemology. I also mathematics.

"At the higher level, the teacher does not exist for the sake of the student; both teacher and student have their justification in the common pursuit of knowledge."

With 14 years of experience in teaching theoretical philosophy, I have taught BA and MA lectures and seminars in logic, epistemology, and metaphysics, as well as the philosophies of language, mind, science. My teaching career includes positions at the University of Münster , LMU Munich , and Utrecht University .

At Utrecht, I also teach logic to AI students. Currently, I’m developing an intro logic course that takes a fresh approach to teaching logic to AI undergraduates. You can find out more here: .

Below are a few articles that have influenced my teaching philosophy:

Here’s a more recent paper on university education that I enjoyed reading:

As a philosopher, I seek understanding of the fundamental workings of reality. I do so by creating and analyzing mathematical models of philosophical phenomena.

  • An important focus of my work is on hyperintensionality , a fascinating phenomenon where normally equivalent things behave in non-equivalent ways.

  • I’m a big fan of truthmaker semantics , a new and exciting alternative to possible-worlds approach in philosophical semantics.

Below you can find some of my papers and slides:

, . . . In: (): .
, . . . In: , edited by , , .
, . . . Link

"The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity."

I’m an associate editor at the Journal of Philosophical Logic .

If you’re an editor looking for a referee in my AOS, I’m game.

I’m interested in open source, open access, and changing the academic publication system.

I’m support the following institutions: